Tuesday, June 27, 2006

End of first week back


I have my end-of-first-week weigh-in tonight at WW. I am optimistic that I will see a loss, though I doubt my weight at 7 pm will be what it was this morning. Aside from not eating enough fruits/veggies, I had a good week. I stayed within points (in other words, I didn't use more than my 35 flex points for the week); I walked 2 days for 30 minutes each and worked out on the elliptical 2 days, so a total of 4 days of exercise out of the 7; I ate very little chocolate (or, really, any empty calories); and I always drink lots & lots of water. I'm pretty happy with my performance so far. . . but I know it's early days yet. :)

Got up early today & walked Sebastian. He was SO happy. He saw several lizards & 2 bunnies, plus a yellow lab running the other way on the path. I certainly wish I had his zest for life. SL has said that if someone could discover the brain chemical that makes Sebastian so happy and bottle that chemical, he'd make millions of dollars.

Not that I am down or anything. In fact, I am feeling very good. Since stopping the Zoloft, I have a lot more energy. I'm sure it also helps that I have been exercising and eating better.

I stayed late at work last night and cleaned off my desk (which looked like a file cabinet had exploded on it). It was such a good feeling to walk in from court this morning and see an orderly desk! I have a to-do list written out and high hopes for getting lots accomplished.

Off now to pick up a big healthy salad for lunch. I will check in later with my weigh-in results.