Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Another new start

I am joining Weight Watchers tonight (for--I think--the fourth time). Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. seem like a day/time that will work for me. Also, a woman from my office also goes to that meeting and says she likes the leader.

I am actually excited to re-join. I hope my enthusiasm continues.

Now if I can just figure out a way to get my lazy carcass out of bed earlier to take Sebastian for a morning walk. I also may start participating in a work-sponsored walking program; they are opening the local convention center over the lunch hour for people to walk. (It is WAY too hot here in the summers to be walking outside: it hasn't been under 105 for the daytime high in almost two weeks.)

SL is enthusiastic, too. We both really, really need to do something about our weight.

I am completely off the Zoloft now; I took the last half-dose on Sunday morning. I am also completely off birth control since last Thursday. I figure my body will be completely drug free later this week.

I am also switching doctors. The practice I was assigned to was just too hard to get an appointment with. (I'd also had a bad experience with a covering physician there once.) The new doctor is right next door to SL's work. My initial consultation with her is on July 10th.

Not much else to tell. It's blistering hot! Slow week at work due to the judicial conference.