Friday, June 23, 2006

Boring, mundane post


I fell back asleep this morning after turning off the alarm, so I missed my morning walk with Sebastian (poor boy). I may go & use the elliptical trainer at our complex's workout room after work. (I say "may" because it gets hot in there; the air conditioning does not work well.)

WW is going OK. I ate more than my allotted points yesterday, but I had many flex points to cover, so all is well. Today I have been kind-of hungry, but have done well so far: Kashi Go Lean Crunch & milk for breakfast, a salad & some baked Lays for lunch. So far, so good.

Not too much planned for the weekend, but I'm glad it's Friday (as always). My morning of presenting cases to the grand jury went fine; I was glad to learn it was only a morning and not all day. Woohoo!

I am going to try & be as productive as I can for the next 3+ hours before leaving work.