Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, Monday

? (forgot to weigh before breakfast)

I had a nice, relaxing weekend. Unfortunately, it was also a weekend during which I accomplished very little: I brought home work which I never even glanced at, I did no laundry, and aside from sorting through 2 boxes in the guest room closet and doing a few dishes, I did no housework at all. [sigh] Well, I suppose I can always do that stuff during the week this week. . . at least in theory. ;-)

Friday night and most of the day Saturday was spent either on the couch reading (finished two books and a couple of magazines) or surfing the 'net. Saturday night, MM and I met some of my law school friends for dinner. MM really enjoyed himself--which is not always the case with my friends--and especially hit it off with B, a male friend on whom I had a terrific crush in law school. (Of course, MM knows nothing about my crush, and B is now married.) It was a good time.

Sunday MM and I spent the whole day together. He spent the night after dinner on Saturday, so we woke up together. Once we got up and got started, we had lunch, then did some house hunting in the lovely 114-degree heat. We saw Get Smart, then met his parents for dinner at a new pizza place they wanted to try. After dinner I went to his place for a while--first time in weeks I've been over there--where we watched the movie Chaos Theory. I headed home before 9:30.

It was a very nice weekend. I do desperately need to get some major house cleaning/sorting done this week, though, because MM is moving in on Sunday. He is not used to having clutter all over the place, and I need to clear out at least half the guest room closet so that he will have somewhere to put his clothes! (His allergies would probably appreciate some vacuuming and dusting, too.)

Saturday morning I will be captive in my home because the cable guy is scheduled to come "between 10 and noon" to install expanded digital cable with HBO. (MM cannot live without this amenity, apparently. LOL) KC has graciously agreed to spend at least part of the morning and early afternoon with me, cracking the whip to help me get some de-cluttering done. So I if I can get the cleaning done during the week, I should be in good shape by Sunday for MM's arrival.

We have no big plans for next weekend, and I don't have anything major on my calendar this week. I'm working on a few projects with deadlines in the next couple of weeks and playing catch-up still, but should be in the office every day except Friday (when I'll be out all day at a mandatory training). So I should be able to get some sh1t done.