Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Brrrrr . . .

(on a scale boycott)
My office is frickin' freezing this afternoon! It is usually a bit on the chilly side in here. . . but this is beyond the usual. Wow. It's weird to be cold in Arizona in September.
I am working my way through to-do list, slowly but surely. I am going to be out of the office Friday, Monday, & Tuesday, so I'm trying to get things squared away before I leave on Thursday.
As I type this, SL has his second interview with G&O. I know he was nervous because he called at about 2 and told me so. I pray all goes well, and he gets the job. He is unhappy at work, and we could really use the money. SL looked up his current salary relative to other lawyers in his field in our area; his salary is in the 7th percentile. Sad.
We are slated to go to the gym tonight and lift weights. If we follow through, that'll be first exercise since the week before last. Slacker.
Back to work. . .


S said...

Hil, yes. . . every morning. It's not really the scale's fault. . . but I have chosen to place the blame on it. :)